I love and hate cooking with my kids.  I love it because I think it’s important for them to learn how to do it for themselves someday.  It’s also a fun way to spend time with my boys that doesn’t involve sword fights, sporting equipment or super hero figures.  I hate it because…it’s HARD!  Following a recipe while trying to give them instructions, make sure no one cuts or burns themselves, all while trying to keep in fun is exhausting.

So, when a friend of mine wrote Bowls of Plenty, I was very excited.  For some reason anything in “bowl form” seems easier.  Don’t ask me why!  The recipes in this book are easy to follow, healthy and the kids actually like them.

One of my favorite parts of this book is that it’s not one of those books that shames you if you don’t cook everything from scratch.  It’s more like, cook the beans yourself this way…or use canned.  Thank you for understanding my struggle!!!!

My favorite recipes so far are the burrito bowl and the oatmeal.  Yum!

You can buy Bowls of Plenty on
